Wednesday, June 26, 2013

2013, Calmer Waters, Storms on the Horizon

Wow It's been so long since I've last posted regarding my Life. I had almost forgotten all about this blog... Just re-read my own writing, and I am astonished at how intriguing and compelling my story is, and how skilled of a writer I was even at that young age, masha Allah.

I wanted to clear some things up from my older posts written when I was in that younger mindset.

First and foremost I LOVE my family. I have become much closer to them in the past years since my last post in which i seem to really alienate my family. But honestly without all of their love and support, and the Guidance of Allah into Islam, I wouldn't be the man I am today. And I say that with all of my heart.

I was indeed a self proclaimed outcast of my family when I was younger. Ignorant, brash and young. No doubt about that. But what is youth for really? Thats what families are for, no matter how dark the circumstances get you will always love one another, and always find it in your hearts to forgive and move on strengthening your ties of kinship - as long as both parties are willing and do not cut one another off. May God protect us from such.

I believe everyone is entitled to their own beliefs on the existence of God - and whatever they may believe regarding religions. The only thing I disagree with is the act of deciding upon ones beliefs and opinions regarding any each religion or group of people or even individuals themselves WITHOUT having all of their facts and information straight from LEGITIMATE sources. And no the friend of a friend of your cat's next door neighbor's cousin from another country's opinion on someone from your workplace whom they've never met does NOT count. Lol. It had to be said.

Secondly I have nothing against Christians or Jews; my cousins in faith, or anyone else for that matter with an ideal regarding the meaning of life and wether or not there is a God. We're all in the same test here. We all have within our reach all of the books and proofs - pieces to the puzzle - required to seek out the truth. If we but knew!

What is the meaning of Life?
What happens when we Die?
Why are we here... why are we each tested through different trails and tribulations?

We're all in the same boat like it or not. These questions nag each and every one of us individually no matter how hard some of us try to suppress it. It is there. I gave up suppressing it long ago and embraced it with a vigor and eagerness, and I'm oh so glad I did. I still search and live these huge massive questions every day. Always learning something new. It's and invigorating way to live, eyes are wider, heart and mind clearer, restlessness in life seemingly vanishes.

What am I up to now in Life you may wonder? Well not much to be honest, struggling with finances, trying to save up for college and get that one step closer to my dream job in life, or at least one of them. Yes I have a few in mind XD I love the outdoors, so something like guiding through the wilderness has always been a dream of mine. An outdoor school. Becoming a teacher. I love knowledge, so thats another one of my goals. Among others. And I am in the works of getting that going, insha Allah.
I'm 21 going on 22 soon, if you can't do the math from my previous posts =P

All this to say. I wish you all the best in Life! Never stop seeking the truth. For if you suppress these things it will eat away at you. Think of your heart as a light fixture with a single bulb in it. If you keep turning it off and on with good and bad deeds in life its going to burn out pretty quick. Perhaps you need to do some re-wiring or perhaps your wiring is fine just the way it is. And all you need is. A. New. Bulb. And a greater source of electricity.

Hope to write more often and more in-depth on my blog in the coming months, years - Insha Allah.